Chapters / Indigo Home Decor Line

I was searching Chapters website yesterday for a new daily planner/calendar. While browsing the website I came across their home line. Tim had blogged about their new line but I was kind of floored when I saw what they had. For a bookstore, they are branching out- I've noticed they are working their way into the toy business and it was highlighted in this Toronto Star Article from last December 2010.* So I guess that it should come as no surprise that they are trying to take a piece of the home decor market. Truthfully, they are doing a good job. I wonder if smaller independant stores are concerned about the bookstores new focus?

I love the wood reading Lamp [$125], I am contemplating it for my office desk, but it would be so perfect at the cottage.  And that clock [$39.50] would go well in my office or even in Oscar's nursery. And that little box [$29] is perfect for adding some awesome colour to a living room.

*My interest in this article was that I used to work at the Head office for one of the Toy Retailers they are trying to position themselves against, which is why the article was in my memory bank

P.S., Thank you for the amazing support for my new site launch yesterday. I really appreciated your sweet notes that you left in orders and also the twitter + blog comment love. xo