1. Pots and Pans Drawers
Do yourself a favour, invest in some of these! They will change
your life and storage space.
Do yourself a favour, invest in some of these! They will change
your life and storage space.
2. Water Dispenser
Some hate water dispensers, but I love my new fridge
feature! It frees up space on my shelves and it's cocktail friendly!
Some hate water dispensers, but I love my new fridge
feature! It frees up space on my shelves and it's cocktail friendly!
3. Drawer Dividers
This one is pretty standard, but what's not to love? Organization
to the max. Everything has it's own place.
This one is pretty standard, but what's not to love? Organization
to the max. Everything has it's own place.
4. Island Seating
Finally, I have some casual seating in my kitchen! So long awkward days
of people standing around while I cook!
5. Tray Dividers
Put this on the top of your list! These tray dividers above the
fridge are perfect in so many ways...I am sure you can see why.
Put this on the top of your list! These tray dividers above the
fridge are perfect in so many ways...I am sure you can see why.
6. Gooseneck Faucet With Hand Spray
Gooseneck, you had me at hello! Or was it at full rinse? Whatever
it was, you extend your neck out for me every time ;)
Gooseneck, you had me at hello! Or was it at full rinse? Whatever
it was, you extend your neck out for me every time ;)
I wish I was concluding kitchen month with my "after" photos, but in true renovating form, it is taking longer to finish the final touches! Once they are up, you will be the first to see them...promise!