The Process of My Kitchen Reno

It's been a long month of doing dishes in my laundry tub, but I am happy to be in the midst of my kitchen reno! Even if it is only 65% complete, I don't mind. There is still lots to be done: countertop to go in, kicks, crown mouldings, open shelves, finishing gables, some appliances to be installed and backsplash to be chosen, ordered and put up. However, don't let that stop me from being excited! If you don't recall...this is where I started when I bought the house...

Original kitchen
(Click HERE for a refresher)

The original kitchen was small, had poor lighting, no insulation or foundation to stand on. It was kind of like a trailer stuck to the back of my house! I completely demolished that sad room and turned the old living room into the kitchen.

Old living room.

The stove stands where the old door to the kitchen was. Now a
long bank of cabinetry is possible.

Looking towards the front of the house. An "island" has been
created...but it's really a peninsula but who's asking?

By no means is this the end product, so hold back on the judgement; The oh's and ah's will come later, I promise! This was my make-shift kitchen till my new one was ready. I reused the sink, counter and old cabinets from the previous kitchen to allow for this transition period. I was able to find older appliances to use and aside from the mish mash of the cabinetry, it actually worked out quite well. This process also helped on budget. I was able to coast through 4 months till this major project was a priority.

Now, as I have mentioned, I am a professional in the kitchen...not to cook, but to design. Check out this post in case you missed my lesson in Kitchen Design. I had another major challenge with my kitchen and not just it's original lack luster self! I was retro fitting an existing kitchen. That's right. I was not starting from scratch. Now why would I do that? That is too easy, or shall I say, too expensive for this reno girl! I was able to score this kitchen from Starward Homes, as they were tearing down their existing Decor Studio and updating to a new location. Timing was perfect! This was the cabinetry I had to work with... greyish stained maple doors, recessed panel with a traditional style applied moulding.

From here, you can only imagine, it gets better. I had to cleverly figure out how this configuration of cabinets will work in my space and also the most effective way to change this outdated finish! This is the plan I came up with...

This kitchen plan was finalized in plenty of time before the trades came in. In order to have all my electrical, venting and plumbing put in the correct locations, I had to plan and plot the kitchen layout. This is my tip for the day... When undergoing a kitchen reno, or any renovation, make sure to consider every function and need before renovations start! You want to consider everything, which I know is daunting when there are so many decisions to be made. This, however, will save you time and money.

Walk through your space and picture yourself will you move around? Where do you picture your table going? Where is your coffee station? How will your draperies be hung on your new windows? (See, everything!)

My the process of completion...

Here is a LIST of the things you will need show your contractor on the floor plan before starting the reno:

-Lighting plan: how many pot lights, pendants and/or under valance lighting

-Electrical: Location of all your switches and outlets (typically these are installed at about 42" off the floor).

-Venting: A measurement to show where your range hood and venting will sit

-Appliances: Each appliance should be indicated to it's centre point. Indicate what type it is and what it's functions are (ie. gas or electrical stove...fridge with water dispenser)

-Plumbing: Sink, dishwasher, etc. locations

Once you have this list completed, you can walk through it with your contractor to ensure that everything is done to your liking. I know it seems easy, but it's better to design your kitchen first and then construct around it. Do not, and I am stressing (grrr), do not willy nilly put your plumbing, outlets and venting in without thinking of the design of the cabinets. If you do it backwards, I guarantee, you will be disappointed with the results!

Now, enough with the serious stuff...tomorrow, the granite counters are to be installed and then the plumbing can go in!

Oh! And I almost forgot...the cabinet colours! Not to give too much away until the final reveal, here are my choices...I will dive deep into my colour choices in another post...

Uppers: Benjamin Moore CC-40 Cloud White
Lowers: Benjamin Moore 2134-30 Iron Mountain
Countertop Granite: Bianco Antico

My Kitchen Colours

I think that's enough for today...aren't kitchen renos tiring?