kitchen accessories | pottery barn

One thing I'm really looking forward to (above having a brand spanking new kitchen) is putting new kitchen accessories into the space. I've resisted buying anything for the kitchen for a long time, as I wanted to make everything *new* when the kitchen was complete. I thought it would be fun to dedicate a week to kitchen accessories from my favourite shops. So here are my favourite picks from great stores. Enjoy!

Ever since my first visit to the Elmwood Spa, where they have water dispensers with fresh fruit and cucumber, I have wanted my own drink dispenser for our house. I feel that the addition of that dispenser, will obviously make my house "spa" like. ;-) I've been searching for awhile, and I kind of freaked out when I saw that Pottery Barn had a full page dedicated to drink dispensers.

The photo above is from this dispenser.  I'm also a fan of this Mason Jar dispenser but I think you'd need a few grouped together to make an impact plus it looks a bit small on its own? I think I'd go for this one in the end if I were to splurge on one. :) Pottery Barn has a crazy amount of kitchen stuff but this would totally be what I would grab on my imaginary Kitchen Accessory shopping spree. Do you have one? Am I nuts for wanting one?