A Bit of Fall Decor

I had a realization the other day. It was actually while I was scanning Pinterest realizing that crafting for the Halloween/Fall season is the hottest thing going! Don't get me wrong, I drool over projects that these gals (and perhaps some guys) come up with, but really? When do these people find the time?! I only wish I had the time to paint pumpkins in different colours, glitters and decals, but I don't. So no, my realization was not that I have little time to craft (I already knew that!), it was that I can, and perhaps should, decorate my house for fall. Seems simple, right? I have watched my mom(s) transition from bright summer flowers to autumn appropriate ones and smelt the change in the potpourri but it hadn't occurred to me that I am now in charge of this transition. Challenge accepted!

Easy switch - $6.99 Halloween tea towels.

With my teeny tiny budget for fall decor, I have added hints of fall and Halloween. As I don't have a ton of storage, I splurged on natural decor, that can be composted, not stored away!

Picked up some small. white pumpkins from the grocery store.

Also found some gourds that were on sale at the grocer.

Another white pumpkin as a paper weight.

Add a splash of orange for fall...or I will keep them all year!

Fall flowers. I love mums.

Next up...carving pumpkins to decorate the exterior for the kiddies collecting treats! What is your fall favourite decor tricks?...or is it just the treats?