Settee - What The Heck Is That?

When I mention using a settee to my clients, some look at me like I have two heads. A what? A settee?...Yes, I said settee. And no, I didn't stutter. I's traditionally a dainty, often tufted sofa that is from the Victorian era...perhaps something your grandmother may have had? Typically, a settee is small in size and has a wooden frame and legs. Although minimal in scale, I have seen a few antique that reach up to 7' long! With today's smaller scale living, and the resurgence of antiques, a settee is a great alternative to your typical sofa or bench seat. 

Antique styled settee


Generally, settees are seen in antique styles, but there are newer, more contemporary versions on the market these days. It's a great combination of antique meets modern day!  If you prefer a DIY project, reupholstering and painting or staining the wood frame is always a great option!


