My Kitchen Inspirations: A Starting Point

Happy May Reno readers! This month at The Reno Project(s), we will be discussing the long and short of kitchen renovations and designs. I have recently joined the thousands of people who courageously endure a kitchen renovation while living in their home. It's exciting, stressful, expensive and a huge game changer to any one's home! The kitchen is the heart of the home and deserves much consideration when let's begin...

One of my kitchen inspiration photos: 
Two toned cabinetry creates a contemporary,
dynamic look. (via)

Before you start to design your cabinetry, like any reno project, finding inspirational photos is the best place to start!  If you have fabulous ideas already, Great! Write them all down. If you have no idea where to start, do some online research and find out what you like in terms of layout, door style and colour. Keep a list of all your needs and wants to coincide with images you have chosen. When meeting with your kitchen designer, the images will allow you to clearly explain how you want your kitchen to look. This will make a world of difference and is a good starting point for everyone.

I pulled many inspiration photos for my kitchen but there were a few that stood out amongst the rest. I felt these kitchens suited the style of my house, and how I wanted my cabinetry to look. I liked the vibes these kitchens created...

Straight from my Pinterest board, Kitchen Designs, my photo inspirations for my new kitchen...

I loved the variety in this photo. Open shelves,
glass cabinets, drawers on counter. (via)

Monochromatic white kitchen with classic
elements and design. (via)

Small, rustic details like the old wood
inserts in the end gable, or reusing old corbels
for the shelves. (via)

A mixture of vintage and classic.

 Clearly, I am really into the two toned kitchen. I find it's another variation of the mismatched island. What is your favourite kitchen style as of late? Are you digging the two tone cabinetry? All white, or all wood?