Sudbury Styles: Vintage Decor (Part One)

I have a best friend who has been into vintage long before it was trendy and I am talking 20 years ago, she saw the beautiful things vintage offered and embraced it! Jessica, who resides in Sudbury, Ontario, where she and hubby Mark have created a fabulous little abode and lifestyle. Not only do they have a funky, retro inspired apartment, they also have seriously fun careers! They own a record storeguitar store, sound studio to start. Seven years deep, Mark still continues to write, sing, play and tour with his band, Ox. Jess is pregnant, writes a blog called Cupcakes and Kale, all the while is starting up a small vegan friendly bakery, Oh My Bakeshop (opening the fall). Not your everyday work load, right?  Between their interests, personalities and love of anything with a story, Mark and Jess' decor inspired me when I was visiting last week. It is so effortless and speaks only of them. 

Part two...a sneak peak into the  record store!