Christmas at The Bay

The Bay kindly invited me to the preview of their Christmas Street at their flagship store in Toronto today. It's an invitation I accepted right away.

I have fond memories of going downtown with my family to meet up with my Dad after work so that we could walk to see the Bay Christmas windows. Although it was cold and dark out, the windows lit up and were magical with moving toys, and sparkly lights. That tradition continued through to when I was a young adult -  although it didn't happen every year, they are occasions I will cherish.

Later on when Aubrey and I celebrated our first Christmas together we went to The Bay to find our special first ornament. Aubrey (who is Jewish) was introduced to the excitement of finding the perfect ornament for the tree that year at the flagship store.

Walking into The Bay today to see "Christmas Street" was a very special moment for a variety of reasons, many of which I mentioned above. At the core of it all Christmas wouldn't be complete without The Bay.

The preview was amazing - the ornaments are gorgeous, the collections are HUGE (candles, stockings, ornaments, vases and wreaths) Perhaps another huge moment was finally getting to meet Brian Gluckstein who was a true gentleman. His collection is truly magnificent and the attention to detail is stunning.

So thank you to The Bay for inviting me this year - It brought back fond memories from Christmases past. If you are by a Bay, I highly recommend visiting their Christmas collection when you are going to look for the perfect ornament as I do every year.

xo Linds
Ps., I met up with my Mom for coffee after the preview - so it was a pretty awesome morning. :)